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Siglap Secondary School, 2E3'09
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Monday, March 30, 2009

Olympics Game Value-

One of the Olympic Games’ values is Friendship. Friendship in the Olympic Games is very important. Although the contestants from all over the world are competitors, they are also friends, although they are all competing against each other, they still can be very good friends. No matter who will emerge as the winner, harmony is also a important value they should have.

Respect is also another value of the Olympics Games. As a participant, being able to take part in the Olympics Games had already brought glory to the country. The winning may be important, or rather very important but when you had tried your very best in completing your tasks, you are already a winner yourself. Regardless of what position you get, one also must respect the decisions made by the judges and be proud of the results you had achieved. One also must not think negatively, for example, thinking that the judges are being biased etc.